Thursday, July 21, 2005


I will need to add more to this post, as it is an important topic. But, since it's timely, I thought I'd say a bit about Sen. Dick Durbin's latest rants.

You know the "Gang of 14," the 14 moderate Senators who reached a compromise regarding the President's judicial appointments? The 14 senators who agreed that the filibuster should be used only in the most extraordinary instances? The senators who believe that the word "extreme" is not one to be tossed around lightly? Dick Durbin is NOT one of those senators. Dick Durbin is not interested in compromise. Dick Durbin is not interested in allowing up or down votes on judicial nominees. Dick Durbin is interested in Dick Durbin and very little else.

On Tuesday, the President nominated John G. Roberts to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court created by retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Republicans were quick to line up behind Roberts. But even some Democrats had praise for the President's choice:

"This is a credible nominee -- and not one, as far as we know now, who has a record that in any sense can be described as 'extremist.'"
--Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT)

"I think the president made a wise choice,"
--Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE)

"So far, so good."
--Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) (article)

Other Democrats, including Illinois' Junior Senator, Barack Obama, are withholding judgment on Mr. Roberts:

"I take very seriously the Senate’s advice and consent role regarding a Supreme Court nomination I will be closely following the Judiciary Committee hearings on Judge Roberts and will thoroughly review his record before deciding whether or not to vote to confirm him."
--Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) (article)

"Do I believe this is a filibuster-able nominee? The answer would be 'no,' not at this time."
--Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) (article)

Did Sen. Dick Durbin reach across party lines to announce his support for John Roberts? No. Did Dick Durbin tactfully say he would take a "wait and see" approach to the nominee? No. Dick Durbin said this:

"The President had an opportunity to unite the country with his Supreme Court nomination, to nominate an individual in the image of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Instead, by putting forward John Roberts' name, President Bush has chosen a more controversial nominee and guaranteed a more controversial confirmation process." (article)

Dick Durbin lacks the tact that his Democratic colleagues have, even colleagues who might vote against the President's nominee.

Dick Durbin: Wrong about the judiciary.